Thursday, April 30, 2020

We're Opening Back Up on Friday!

We are pleased to announce that Southern Flair Photography will be back open this Friday! But we do have some limitations in place for now. Our goal is to service our clients, but at a minimal risk to their health or the health of our staff.
1) We are only seeing people BY APPOINTMENT ONLY so we can stagger people in and out and have no overlap and allow time to sanitize between people. Please call 817-277-0477 and set an appointment for anything you need, including order pick ups, etc.
2) If you are in an at risk group, please delay any appointments until things are calmed down. No matter how careful we are, We don't want to possibly contaminate anyone in an at risk group.
3) We will be keeping more distance and sanitizing everything in sight. We are stocked with hand sanitizer and Lysol!
4) For newborns, which can not be put off (at 9 weeks, it's no longer a newborn!) we are wearing a mask, gloves and will not be holding any babies.
But for now, we are back servicing our clients. We are now scheduling photo shoots, order sessions, etc.
If you need to schedule a photoshoot, order, or reorder from previous photos, give us a call at 817-277-0477 and we will get you scheduled.

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